Wednesday, November 28, 2012

My favorite Pinterest project of all time!

Want to learn how to make these super cute, adorable little snowmen?  It's super easy, cheap and a TON of fun!  Each took me no more than 10 mins to make.  

Here are some of the supplies you will need......

*Cheap Rice - almost a pound and a half for one little guy

*Twine, toothpicks, and various buttons and little decorations .... You will also need a couple of rubberbands.

*a hot glue gun and of course glue sticks

*1 tube sock per snowman (if you want a bigger snowman, use a knee sock.)

*Fun socks (depending on what size socks you use and what size snowman you are making, depends on whether you will need 1 or 2 fun socks)

Time to get started!  Ready?
Start with cutting your fun sock in half.  If your fun sock has an evident heel, cut that part off.

Then take your white sock and cut that heal and toe, bottom section, off.

Turn the sock inside out and secure the end that was close to the heel with a rubberband.

Then turn it right side out again.

Proceed to fill your sock with rice.  Don't overstuff it, but definitely pack it down and make sure you get him good and full so that he is moldable and will stay put when you set him down instead of loosing his shape.

Add the toe section of the fun sock for his hat and the leg section of your fun sock for his sweater.  Tie a piece of twine around the top section of the sweater and make sure you tie it TIGHT.

Roll the top down over the twine.

Hot glue the hat in place around the snowman's head so the hat stays put.  Then add a piece of twine to the end if you want to help it with its shape.

Cut the tip of a tooth pick off and paint it orange.

Then glue on small buttons as eyes and glue his nose on.  Add whatever embellishments you want to.

So cute!  

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