Monday, November 30, 2015

Happy Birthday Mom!!!

Today is one of those days that I wish I had "Dorothy" powers!  
Like my Dad, I have a lot of memories of my mom from growing up.  The first thought that comes to mind when I think of my childhood is that Mom was always there.  I know that staying home and homeschooling 4 kids was not easy, yet she did it for us.  A lot of my memories have more of an impact on me now that I am a mom.  I remember getting ready for our camping trips and how well Mom handled herself packing for 6 people, in a tent mind you!  We had a lot of good vacations because of her.  I remember her on Christmas morning, waking us all up, I remember going cleaning with her to keep her company as I got older.  
We might have had some rocky years as I hit my teens, but today I'm thankful for the relationship I have with my mom.  She is always a just a phone call away and 9 times out of 10, she keeps me company while I do my dishes.  Thank God for cell phones!  
Mom, I know you would rather we were all there today, having a tea cup party and some carrot cake, but know that I WANT to be there.  :)  I miss you and I love you.  Thank you for always being you!  
....and just remember, "If you spray the window above the paper mouse, it's going to drip down and get the paper mouse wet!"

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Awesome (paper mouse)! You and the girls started my day out just right. I love you all!