Friday, February 26, 2010


Ok just for the record this is a vent and anyone that doesn't want to read can stop now...You have been warned!  Being a woman SUCKS!  Ok I don't usually use that word, but I can't think of another word that is strong enough right now.  A week ago I went to the ER with a kidney infection.  Took 5 days before I felt any better.  Today I'm back at the doctor's office with a super bad yeast infection despite my strong efforts with yogurt.  I'm so done!  Did I mention that this is my third UTI/Kidney infection since May 2009?  So now my OB/GYN is talking about urologists.  YUCK!  I talked with her for a while today and we decided that I would make a follow up appointment with my family doctor on Monday to make sure my Kidney infection is really gone.  Then I will run all this by him.  My thoughts is one of two things...although I'm no doctor.  I only had one kidney infection before having Madalyn and that was while I was in Morrisville.  I was training a 2 year old filly and got thrown and kicked on my right side of my back, right around my kidney.  2 days later I was at the health center just about in tears and they diagnosed my first kidney infection or kidney stone...ended up not being a stone.  Then I was good to go.  Till I had Madalyn.  After her delivery, my uterus tilted.  I did some research and they mentioned that that could be the cause.  I don't know.  But I REALLY DON'T WANT TO GO TO ANOTHER DOCTOR!  LOL  I'm just going to repeat my statement for the day...being a woman sucks!    


Me said...

Oh man! Momma, I'm sorry you've been having such a rough time. I'll be praying that you feel better soon. . . and you're right, being a woman DOES suck sometimes - but at least we're smarter than guys! ;)

Kendall said...

Ick!! i'm sorry you've been having a rough time with all of this! That's no fun at all.

I wouldn't imagine that having your uterus tilted would cause a kidney infection, but who knows. Mine is tilted too(always has been) and other than uterine pain, I've had no problems with mine. Get it checked out girl...maybe it's something they can easily fix!

Amy said...

I've had issues with my kidney as well - I have recurring kidney stones. I finally got fed up with my regular doctors and went and saw a urologist. It was the best move I have made! I haven't had a kidney stone since.