Friday, September 18, 2015

Feeling accomplished

Anyone else really struggling with getting in the swing of things this September?  We are halfway through the month and I feel like I could use 2 more of me to get everything accomplished.  Between babysitting, school, the garden, and just every day chores, I'm struggling to keep up.  Yesterday I finally had a break through and I got so much done!  I was starting to get discouraged and that wasn't helping my overwhelmed feeling.  I woke up this morning to the laundry finished, the house clean, all the tomatoes are in the is somewhat together!  LOL  
The girls are struggling to get back into the swing of things this year too.  I'm not sure why, but hopefully that will change here shortly as well.  We are just trying to stick to a schedule best we can and be consistent!  

On another note...I'm super excited Mom and Dad are coming today!  The girls get to spend some time with them alone tonight as Doug and I have youth group!  I'm hoping to squeeze in as much quality time as we can and hoping we can even play a game of hand and foot or two! ;) 

I hope you all have a great weekend!  See you Monday!