Saturday, January 30, 2010

Happy Birthday!

This morning I got up and told the girls that it was Grandpa Benedict's birthday today. Marissa quickly suggests that we should make him a cake. I told her we had to check with Grandma and make sure she didn't already have plans to make one. Grandma said no, so Marissa jumped right on that opportunity. She raided my cupboards and took all the stuff she wanted. We wen to Doug's parents to bake it since we had to help them set up Dad's new toy anyhow. The girls had a lot of fun making it. Here are some pictures...

Now if we can just get them to be patient about the eating part! They want it right now, and Dad is milking. I keep telling them its his cake so we at least have to wait for him to come home!


Me said...

I love your girls cake creations! Every one gets better! Happy birthday to Grandpa!

Kendall said...

Hooray!! Birthdays are awesome. I love the cake...looks like lots of fun! :D