Tuesday, December 14, 2010

HIS timing!

"Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content."
Philippians 4:11

This is a really hard concept for me lately.  
We are in need of a job.  Doug has been working on his father's dairy farm for a while and to end a long story, it is not for us.  There is so much I could elaborate on, but in the end that about sums it up.  I'm just ready to have a happy husband again!  
Doug is applying to jobs all over the United States for firefighter postions.  We are both kinda stressed with timing as the farm is for sale and the talk is that the farm is going to be done by the end of February.  
Of course we have a million people praying for us and on good days, I know that HE has perfect timing.  I can put my trust in Him and know that we are not going to be left stranded...that He will carry us through.  On the bad days however, I feel like I'm going to split and there is no way I can play tough guy anymore for Doug's sake!  LOL  We have gotten encouragement from many people who have "been there" and reassurance that everything will be ok.  Well on those bad days, I really want to come back with...how do YOU know?  Can you promise me that we won't have a lapse in pay?  Can you promise me that we will be able to pay our bills?  Can you promise me that we won't loose our house?  No, in all honesty no one can promise me that.  BUT... I have realized that if I trust that the Lord is not going to leave us stranded...that one way or another we will be provided for and He will not leave us, than the rest doesn't matter.  I'm pretty sure I'll have more rough days before this is said and done, but I'm trying to bury my nose in my Bible and spend a bunch of time in prayer when I do start feeling anxious.  Even though I have had these two verses memorized since I was little, I'm holding them close now!  

Isaiah 40:31...But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.  

1 comment:

Me said...

I'll keep you and your family in my prayers, too. You're right - everything is in His hands, but man is it hard to really have faith in that sometimes. Hang in there, momma...