Monday, March 8, 2010

Play dates...

I had to clean up our infant car seat last night for that friend at church that I have mentioned prayer requests for.  She is on the safe side now at almost 37 weeks and close to delivery.  So I told the girls we had to drop the seat off at "Grace's" (their best friend) house for her new baby brother or sister.  Marissa pipes up from the back seat.."Can I please ask Aunt Denielle if Grace and I can have a play date?"  HAHA
I don't believe I have ever used that phrase so I'm not sure where that came from but it was super cute!


Me said...

Congrats to her for making it so far and doing so well! Preterm labor is so scary. . .

I love it when little ones come up with something that just leaves me wondering where on earth they got it from. They really are sponges - soaking up things we don't even notice!

Sooooooo, will there be a play-date soon??!

Sarah Benedict said...

For sure...Possibly real soon. If she goes into labor during the day I have to go get her daughter and take her to my house to play with the girls with Doug and I get to go sit with Mama till her husband can get there! Even if that doesn't happen I'll go steal her after the baby comes.

Jessi said...

I'm glad she made it so far too! Yay for healthy babies!

How sweet, I love the things kids come up with. They never cease to amaze and amuse me!

Kendall said...

Hooray!! I'm glad that things are going well and hopefully they'll continue to!

Playdates are fun!!