Tuesday, December 4, 2012

"Updated" Inspiration

I watched the video I posted again this morning.  I love it!  At the end of the video I noticed there was a website.  So I looked it up.  The rider's name is Stacy Westfall.  She is now a professional trainer, married with 3 boys.  This ride was 100% accurate in the fact that she rode this ride dedicated to her Dad who had passed not long before.  I did however learn that the claim to her being deaf and mute is false.  From what I have gathered from my reading, the horse she is riding is actually hers as well.  Although I'm not certain of this.  This ride took place in 2006, however this video went "viral" in 2011 with this sudden claim.  It was nothing she ever claimed and my guess in that in the beginning of the video, you can see her talking with her hands and someone probably thought it would make a better story.  You can find all the facts on her here or at her website.  I wanted to make sure I wasn't sending out anything false on my blog so I wanted to make sure I cleared that up.  That all being said....this doesn't really take away from the awesomeness (is that a word?) of this ride.  If you have spent any time with horses and especially if you have done any training, you know that this is a pretty remarkable performance!  So watch and enjoy!!!    Make sure you mute my radio before hitting play.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow! What love and trust between the two of them. I love this. Horses remind me of children. If they know you love them and they trust you, wonders can be met. And that goes both ways <3