Friday, October 23, 2009

God from a 4 year olds perspective...

Marissa and Madalyn wanted to watch Veggie Tales "Where is God When I'm Scared" yesterday while they were having quiet time. They have both seen it before but its been a long time. In case you haven't seen it, I'll give you a quick overview so you can see where Marissa is coming from. One of the smaller veggies watches a "scary" movie and then is scared to sleep at night. Bob and Larry show up and teach him that "God is bigger than the Boogie Man". An easy, simple concept right? HAHA Well Marissa was talking about it later with Madalyn and she informed her that "God is the biggest monster of them all". She has the whole concept kinda right I guess. She told Madalyn that God is super big, he lives way up high in the sky and when the monsters come to get us at night time God comes and kills them. LOL I tried explaining to her that God isn't a monster, he is just bigger than the monsters, if there even were any, and he protects us. I thought she got it but then last night she drew a picture of God with really long legs and really long arms and said "look, its God the monster!" I don't even know where this whole monster philosophy came from. Both her and Madalyn are always talking about the least now they are not worried about them because God is a bigger monster! Kids...


Saumya Mishra said...

Gosh!!! She kinda get right that God is biggest of all!! BUT Monster..... She will get it right no worries!!!

Me said...

I love hearing things from the perspective of the little ones! And. . .she's kind of right. I mean - God isn't human. And He isn't an animal. . .and He isn't a plant, for sure. Therefore, He MUST be a MONSTER! Perfect logic!

Sarah Benedict said...

LOL Very true Chesh!