Monday, May 13, 2013

Field Trip!

Last week the homeschool group traveld to the Syracuse Zoo.  Who doesn't love the Zoo?  We packed a lunch and prayed that it wouldn't rain.  It was a little cool, but it made for active animals so it worked out well.  I think we had over 40 people show up.  We decided that we would break off from the large group since our kiddos were starving right off the bat!  LOL  Of course, when AREN'T they starving???  We made it through a short portion before we made the lunch break.

Checking out the bugs

Madalyn's favorite section :)

I don't even know what this thing is...some type of squirrel I'm assuming but I thought it was hysterical that it was sleeping just about folded in half, hanging from its gut!

We couldn't use flash here because they said it would hurt their eyes and scare them, but I thought the sloths were pretty cool!

Sleepy Lions...

Trying to see who they can bum a penny off of!

He was trying to show of for the female in the cage but she wanted NOTHING to do with him!  He was NOT pleased about it!

Prairie Dogs, or Meerkats...( I can't remember which!)


It was baby day I guess, they were everywhere!  So cute!

They look so soft!

The Petting Zoo portion...

Hawk Demonstration

We came to the zoo to see all the animals and where to the kids stop and want to stay?  Silly kiddos!


Condor...He had a wingspan of 10 feet!  We got to see him all spread out since it was feeding time and he was all worked up!

Snow Leopard cubs....they were almost a year old and are going to be transfered to another zoo in the fall I think.

My favorite!

You know what is better than an Elephant?  A baby Elephant :)

He wanted to come see me!

We learned while we were there that this is an instinctual behavior and not learned.  Even in the wild elephants grab tails when they walk and they always put the babies between two adults females.  Pretty awesome!

Sleepy Red wolves

These two are "cubs" as well, just shy of a year old.  They too will be transfered at a certain point.


Even they had babies!  See the egg?

Cool colored birds!

He looks fake.

King Fisher waiting for his lunch...

The red wolves woke up to the kids howling at them!

I'm not sure if they wanted to play, or eat them!

The girls wanted a picture of the "deer" that looked dead.

Red Panda....I wanted to cuddle with him!

When we got back to the Lions, the Females were awake.  The kids enjoyed sitting so close to her!

Emma thought it was funny...

Taylor however just didn't trust that layer of glass!

I can't wait for the next field trip!  

1 comment:

Sharon G. said...

I want a couple of those pictures....i.e. the two girls with the tiger :)