Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Marissa's Photos

Here are Marissa's pictures that she took for her 4H project.  She did a really good job.  Especially seeing as our camera is as old as she is and is lacking some of the omph that it used to have :)
Although I wanted to, I didn't edit any of her photos.  I'm not sure they are supposed to so I figured we would just leave them for now :)



Josiah wanted to jump off the bridge so bad.  He thought was big enough to stand on the bridge and lean over without me holding onto some part of him.

They had to get a silly face as well so this one kinda counts as a silly and an action :)

Learning how to center pictures...

Josiah was trying to run off...


There we go!

Action shot of Taylor and Madalyn jumping.

Working on getting a close up...

It just didn't want to focus on what she wanted it to.

They wanted better jumping pictures so they decided to jump off the picnic table ends.





No clue!


I'm proud of her hard work!


TheTwoThomas said...

Good job Marissa! : )

Anonymous said...

Gramma loves Fall and you captured it in your pictures, Marissa! I love your 4H club - what a great idea! I love you<3 Pretty soon you can take pictures of snowflakes :)