Tuesday, June 8, 2010

False Pregnancies in dogs...

Someone asked me to explain this, so I figured this was the best way.  
When a dog is bred you always have a possibility of two things happening.  You either get a pregnancy or a false pregnancy.  A dog can't take a pregnancy test as it would always read pregnant.  They produce all those hormones no matter if there is a litter growing or not.  Depending on the dog depends on the severity of the false pregnancies.  The worst is the dog can develop milk, bloat and actually look like they are pregnant, and near their due date they will actually go into "labor"...heavy breathing, pushing...the whole nine yards.  In the end most dogs, no matter what the severity of it is, will end up adopting a stuffed animal of some sort as their own to mother for a couple weeks till the hormones die down a bit.  In our case, Chloe  didn't go to quite all the extremes.  She did start to produce milk, but thats it.  She has a puppy that she carries around all day.  She washes its face and back end.  She lays down and places it in nursing position. If I let her out to go potty and she is out there for more than a couple minutes, she starts crying hysterically. When I let her in she goes on a mad search for her puppy.  And Lord help us if she forgets where she hid him in the middle of the night....!!!  LOL  I hope that helps Kendall!

For anyone that was wondering, we are going to try again the beginning of November at her next cycle.


Kendall said...

Thanks, Sarah! But...I will admit that I'm still a bit confused. Without going into gory detail...so basically, dogs produce pregnancy hormones all the time and the act of breeding causes their body to believe that they are pregnant, even if they aren't? Do I have this right? Do the hormones increase after breeding regardless of the presence of a litter?

I understand false pregnancies in humans...mind over matter, so I don't really get it when it comes to dogs. :)

Sarah Benedict said...

You got it Kendall! And yes the hormones do increase regardless of the presence of a litter. That is why she is left to "creating" a litter to fill the void I guess! LOL

Kendall said...

awww!! The poor puppy! That'd totally suck to feel pregnant for 9 months, but not have anything to show for it afterwards....ya know...everytime you...well you know! :P

Sarah Benedict said...

HAHA...You crack me up Kendall! Thats why dogs only cycle every 6-7 months and the girls won't have anything to do with them any other time! LOL