Monday, May 17, 2010

Waiting on the Lord...

I'm a super patient person, ya know...go with the flow, nothing ruffles my feathers, ready for anything...
Ok, maybe not.  
I'm the planning type.  I like to know what the future holds, where we are going and what exactly is going to happen.  Obviously this is far from the real world.  Definitely far from our lives.  Currently we are living day to day, wondering what the next step is.  Its a tough place for us to be...especially with our personalities.  Wanna know something awesome?  God knows all about it.  Sunday we had a special speaker at church.  He didn't know who we were or that we are farmers in a dying industry.  He didn't know our personalities, daily struggles or future goals.  Yet the whole message was on taking things one step at a time and trusting God for every step.  It was great.  He hit home.  I love Sundays like that!  I may not know what tomorrow will bring, but I WILL trust God to do what is best for us and our future.  

1 comment:

Me said...

Good for you! I'm glad that God sent someone your way to bolster your faith and remind you that He is always there. It seems so obvious in retrospect, but for some reason it can be SO HARD to remember when we're living through a hard time. I'll be praying for you and your family as you continue down this difficult path. . .