Sunday, March 7, 2010

Ya never know...

Madalyn is at that stage where you never know what she is going to come out with next.  This morning she took her pull-up off and went into her room to get some underwear.  Next thing I know she is coming out (without the underwear), holding her butt. "What are you doing Madalyn?"  "Do ya know I have a little butt?"  "Yes Madalyn you do have a little butt."  "I have little toes too, do you have little toes, oh wait you have BIG toes!"  LOL  I love it!  

This morning she requested "Box -n- the Hound".  So we are watching that and getting ready for church while we wait for Daddy to get home with his big helper.  I apologize for the lack of updated barn pictures.  Seems like either both girls don't want to go, or Madalyn doesn't and I end up staying home.  The few times this week we all went, I forgot!  OOPS!
Hope you all have a good day, and don't forget to smile!


Me said...

Oh goodness! That is so cute! At least she didn't say that you have a big butt ;)

My 2-year old cracks me up constantly with the random things she says - I love it!

Too bad for the barn pics... better luck next time!

Kendall said...

heehee! My girls come up with the funniest things sometimes too. I love it and I agree with "me" at least she didn't say you have a big butt!!