My friend Denielle had her baby yesterday morning via c-section. They names him Samuel Isaac. He weighed 9 lbs 12 oz and was 22 inches long. He had the cord wrapped around his neck so its a good thing they took him. He was struggling to breathe and a team from Syracuse (where Madalyn went) came up to evaluate him to see if he needed to be transported. They decided he needed to go. The doctor put him on C-PAP and he has an iv. He seems to be a lot better today. His Dad and Grandma/Grandpa are with him and his Mom is of course still camped out at the hospital waiting to be released. They are thinking Friday or Saturday. So....Big Sister Grace came to play today while her other Grandma sat with her Mom. The girls had a blast!
Marissa pulled Grace on her lap so that she could teach her how to feed the baby calf before we went to the barn. So cute!

Marissa's new ingenious way of feeding the calf. She informed me she is more like the mommy now! HAHA

Feeding the cows...or trying to
All done working