I love it when new families enter our church. Especially when they are younger couples whom Doug and I can easily relate to. When Aubrey and her family showed up at our church one Sunday I was not prepared for the attachment that would come between us. I very quickly learned that she was married to a man in the Army who was due to deploy to Afghanistan in March. I knew I had to do my best to make her feel welcome and to help be her support system in any way I could. Not long after she arrived, Aubrey came to me and asked if I would be interested in joining a book club. Since I love to read, ok maybe that isn't 100% true...let's try that again...Since reading is ok and I really wanted to make sure she felt welcome, I accepted Aubrey's invitation after consulting Doug. I wasn't totally on board with the idea and admittedly nervous about sharing how I felt about a book with a whole bunch of other women that I may not be very comfortable with. The first book was picked and surprisingly, I already owned it!

This book was an easy read. I liked the book, although I don't agree with everything Debi Pearl says. If you are "traditional" minded woman who believes that the husband should be the head of the household and want to learn how to make your marriage a bit better, this might be a book for you. You kind of have to read it with an open mind and not take offense to what she says. Some of it is harsh. If you are interested you can learn more about the book here. It was much easier than I thought talking with other woman. We had a lot of fun and it was interesting to hear their take on stuff that rubbed me the wrong way in the book.
That night we drew the next book...

I will admit...this book was NOT my favorite book. I have a hard time reading a book if I keep loosing my place and then not even being sure what I just read. Does that make sense? I would sit down to read and read a page, get up to help the girls with something, sit back down and no clue where I left off because I don't remember reading anything on that page! He did have some good points, but the book just wasn't styled for me. However to be fair, if you want to check it out for yourself you can take a closer look here.
Our next book we chose was the well known book...

I will be honest and say I havn't finished this book yet. Our next meeting is the last Thursday of this month so I have some time yet. But so far I really like it. It does have some phycology in it which usually is a turn off, but its not over done. I bought my book used so it didn't have "the quiz" in it. So I went to Gary Chapman's site and found it there. I took it and then had Doug take it so we would know which "love language" we were. It was interesting. We scored almost identically. No wonder we work well together! I'm excited to see how the discussion goes with this book. If you want to check the book out, you can find it here.
We got ahead of ourselves and have our next book already lined up.

I have read about half this book, borrowed if from my sister-in-law. All I can say is I love it. Even if we weren't using it in book club I had plans of buying it. Maybe I'm a odd ball, but it really hit home and opened my eyes on a lot of issues. I quit reading it when I found out we were going to be reading it for book club. You can find the best deal on this one here.
I never would have guessed that I would have joined a book club. It just didn't seem like my thing. However, I'm really enjoying myself. I'm glad Aubrey came along and pushed encouraged me to join in. Do you have a Christian book club near you? Maybe you can start one? Think about it. If you want more info on how ours runs, feel free to contact me and I'll give you some more information.
Awesome! I haven't been in a book club since the summer reading clubs when I was a kid!
I'm glad that you're enjoying it! I love reading - I devour books - but I can never seem to get 'into' books like those. Give me a well-written fantasy story (think magic and mythical creatures) and I'm done in about 3 minutes and looking for the next one! I might have to try one of your recommendations. Perhaps my tastes have changed!
That sounds like fun, though...the your books aren't the type I can usually "zip" through! Like "me" I am more of a sci fi, fantasy, horror in the form of vamps, werewolves and other shapeshifters, gal. Though lately, I have been able to read more of the "self-help/advice(not really sure what genre they are)" books. I'm glad you're enjoying your book club!! :)
Hello Sarah..this is Aubrey's MOM!
What a blessing to not only find your blog via Jessica Moore...but also to read of your sweet friendship given to my daughter. YOU and Jessica were answers to prayer..along with your church family. I am SO THANKFUL for you! I appreciate very much all your care as does Aubrey..she has told me so much about you ..and the rest that I feel I know you all.
(sorry for the long comment)
We look forward to meeting you all in the fall some time.
God bless you for letting God light shine in you...
you can visit my blogs if you go to my profile..one is my Cancer Journey..another a devotional and another a Craft blog. I hope you can stop by and find some refreshings.
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