Some of you may only know me through the internet world, while others have known me for years. Regardless to the time frame, many may now know this about me....I HATE LADYBUGS!

You know how come people can't stand snakes? Other's can't handle the sight of a mouse or other rodent. Me, I would take a spider over a ladybug any day! I know I know, I'm weird. But seriously the things are nasty and they make my skin want to crawl. I turn into a little girl when I even think one is on me or going to get on me. Its awful!
So today, I was getting the girls ready for the day. I was brushing Madalyn's teeth when Marissa exclaims that she has found a ladybug. Sure enough there it was crawling across the linoleum in the bathroom. She points it out to Madalyn who is more on my side when it comes to them. She hasn't crossed the line to liking bugs of any kind really yet. So anyhow Marissa proceeds to pick it up, which really makes me start crawling. Without even thinking, I became the evil parent...
Me: "Marissa, put that thing down."
Marissa: "Mommy she is nice! Wanna see?"
Me: "No I don't, please keep her over there with you! You know where ladybugs really like to go?"
Marissa: "No, where?"
Me: "They love to swim. Since all the water outside is gone you should put her in the toilet."
Marissa: Without even hesitating she dumps her in the toilet and says "There ya go!"
Me: "You should probably flush her so she can be with all the rest of her friends."
Marissa: "Have fun lady!" she flushes the toilet.

I know I know, I'm horrible! I never even thought about it, it just came out! So yeah, there is my bad parent deed of the week. I'll leave you with this picture which seriously leaves me feeling like I have bugs all over me! Have a great night! ;)

1 comment:
that is hilarious! I'm not so fond of ladybugs either so I understand.
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