I took the girls ice skating today. Marissa has only been once before and Madalyn has never been on her feet, only carried. I stopped and picked up Aubrey's girls so they could go and then proceeded to the rink. We went at 2pm, before school was out so that it wasn't so crowded. Most of the people there were families who homeschool or aren't in school yet. It was so much fun. It took us at least a 1/2 hour for me to get all 4 kids plus myself, laced up and ready to go. After about 2o mins, my toes were freezing and I was praying that the girls would want to go in and exchange their skates for their boots again. Sure enough the Lord answers prayers! We went in and I put them and myself back in our boots. So much better! The kids went back out and played on the ice with their boots, which meant I could watch from the sidelines and chat with the other moms. I met quite a few young home schooling moms. It was neat to hear about what works for them and what doesn't and the differences in what worked for one kid and what didn't. I shared my fears and concerns and they all agreed that they had them in the beginning at first too, but there is no way they would switch to sending them anywhere. I'm now excited. Marissa starts in the fall. I already have the majority of what I need for her. I'm planning on using ACE at least to start off. Doug and I were both home schooled using that and we are both comfortable with it. Seems like everyone I have talked to uses a bunch of different curriculums. So we will see where it leads us. I was leery of going today by myself. Its outside my comfort zone...however, I'm glad I went and I'm sure we will be visiting again!

1 comment:
Sounds like fun! I've been thinking about taking T iceskating, but decided that she might not be ready. Perhaps I should re-think that?
How nice that you have such a big homeschooling community to give you advice and help you along! You'll do GREAT with it once you start, I'm sure!
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