Friday, September 29, 2017

Marissa's latest creation...

 Meet "Pumpkin" the dragon ;)

Marissa did a phenomenal job!  Grandma Benedict helped her out a little bit, but Marissa did most of it by herself by following the pattern.  Madalyn became the proud owner and couldn't be happier!  I'm so proud of Marissa and her talent and willingness to learn!

Madalyn said he needed wings...

So she added a butterfly that Marissa made her 
to his back that she can remove anytime she wants to.

Of course "Pumpkin" needed food, so Grandma Benedict whipped up these fruits and vegetables to put in Madalyn's picnic basket that she had!  LOL

He is all set!


Hope Filled Journey said...

Oh my gosh!!!! How fun!!! She did a beautiful job! Emma loves making up patterns 😊 one day she should learn specific patterns. Does marissa read patterns too or watch and learn?

Sarah Benedict said...

She reads patterns...she amazes me!

Sharon G. said...

He is so cute and I loved the food, too.