...we got haircuts and everyone is waiting to see them! LOL
Marissa has been begging me for weeks to get her hair cut. She was set on cutting quite a bit of length off. She has always been my brave one and honestly I think she looks great with shorter hair! She loves that she is able to "do" it herself. She sure is growing up!
Madalyn took a little longer to decide, but in the end she decided to cut hers short too! When her curls showed up as it was drying, she was more than happy with her decision. She too loves the ability to do her own hair and the simpleness of it.

I wanted to keep my length, but I was really wanting a change. After talking to the lady that does our hair, I decided to perm it. I ABSOLUTELY love it!
Oh, I LOVE them all, too. I needed to view bigger pics to be able to really see how they looked :)
Love the new hairdos and dresses-one thing about both the girls look older and Sarah looks younger
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