There are a lot of pictures here and I'll be honest....I'm not going to go through and label all them! LOL Doug realized that he didn't have any time left to take off around the holidays. So I made plans with my family to head up to their place on Monday, December 221st and spend the night, heading back the next evening. Doug was pretty bummed and decided last minute to make a trip up their Sunday after church and spend the afternoon/evening with the family. We had a blast and I'm thankful we got to spend some time together. The girls ended up spending the night since I was going to be turning around the next day and come back up once my extra kiddos left. So there is the back story... :) Here are the pictures from our visit!
The girls bought their grandparents presents with their own money this year. They are so sweet. Madalyn bought Grandma her own EOS. She was so proud!
Marissa bought Grandpa reese's pieces!
These shirts are the coolest! They look like a blank picture, but in the sun, they fill in with color!
Jeremy, Chelsea, and Seth were going to be at Grandma and Grandpa's for Christmas day so they just hung out and watched :) Seth didn't look too upset with that thought!
Grandma found Christian books for both the girls...I don't think anyone expected this reaction!
At about this picture we got, "I don't even know why I'm crying!" LOL So sweet...she has such a soft heart!

Stay tuned for more pictures from our visit!!!
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