Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Chloe and her obsessions!

It's spring again and the chipmunks and squirrels are out and running around again.  We have a chipmunk that has made a hole under our front porch and at least hides out there if he doesn't live under there.  Then we have another one (or maybe its the same one) that has a hole on the side of the driveway/ garage.  We have never seen or heard anything inside and I'm not convinced they aren't just planned hiding places from Chloe because when she isn't out there, they usually go back to the pine trees.  However, yesterday I let her out and she caught him on the porch, instead of hiding in his hole.  He usually beats her, heard her coming.  He ran to the safety of this tree....or he thought it was safe anyhow!  
Little did he know, Chloe has now mastered the art of climbing trees.  This picture kind of gives you an idea how big the tree is ( I took this last year in the spring).  Well she got desperate and used the growth under the tree to give her some leverage and up she went.  Of course the chipmunk got away because HE is actually DESIGNED for climbing and well...dogs aren't supposed to climb trees!  She did this 3 times yesterday and one of the times she made it half way up the tree!  I stood there watching her in awe and dummy me I didn't go get my camera to video it.  So there you have it....when obsessed enough, dogs can climb trees! ;) 

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