Tuesday, February 12, 2013

I'm sorry for the lack of activity!  I guess you can say winter has hit full force and it kinda takes over everything :)  We got at least two foot of snow over the weekend with the storm and today it is just plain NASTY out again.  We had ice overnight and today we have lake effect snow.  Schools are closed and Lucas isn't coming today so I guess I'll takle the driveway later when this dies down.  We have a home school meeting tonight but I should be able to make it out with the 4x4.  We will see.  I love our winters, but it seems to drain all the energy away from a lot of other things too.  Hence the reason its been so quiet around here! :)
Nothing much is new here on the home front.  We are still plugging away at school although the days are becoming increasingly more difficult as the weeks go on.  Marissa is ready for a break.  I wasn't sure if I was going to give them February break but I think I am just because I think they need it.  

We never heard anything more from that phone call we received about the house.  Kinda of a bummer, but its all in His timing.  When we get a clear answer on what our next step is we will let you know ;)  For now you can stay in the dark with us!  God has the whole thing in His hands and when we need to know, He will tell us!

Thanks for being patient with me :)  I'm hoping the nasty weather will clear and the kids and I can go out and play!  Hopefully we will get some more field trips planned and such as well.  Or at least play dates.  Its just been so quiet.  Although I should just take pictures of my awesome kiddos :)  I just need to get my butt in gear!  

Love you all!  Hope you have a great day and an awesome rest of the week!    

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