Wednesday, December 5, 2012


I love homeschooling!  I feel so blessed to be able to be the one teaching my children.......most days :)  
This year is my first year with two in school.  I was honestly dreading it.  Not knowing how I was going to juggle two kids in school and two extra's hanging out every day.  But its been amazing!  I think its actually easier to have two in school than just one.  We have had a lot of little hurdles but each one is overcome in time.  Math has been Marissa's big hurdle.  She has grown leaps and bounds and has gotten quite the handle on it this year.  I'm so proud of her.  A couple months ago my parents were in town and we were bragging to Grandpa and Grandma how well she was doing.  She added two hundredth place problems together in her head just sitting there waiting for our food like it was nothing!  It was awesome.  Then my dad showed her how she was going to learn to carry numbers before to long and showed her how to do it.  Well today, she learned how to carry numbers when adding.  The first thing she said was "I already know how to do this, Grandpa taught me the other day!"  I'm so proud of my kids and its so much fun to watch them grow and learn!

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