Sunday, June 19, 2011

Our place

We had one nasty storm come up one night.  After the wind howling for a while, everything went dark and this is what we found in the morning...
 (This is to the right of our house)

 (And this is to the left of our house)
We were literally blocked in by trees and down power lines.  What a tangled mess! 

We finally took the jump and decided to improve our house.  We may need it in order to sell it in the near future depending on how job options go.  Here are a couple pictures of the progress so far...
 (The picture window being replaced)

 (All framed in!)

(From the outside)


Kendall said...

Oh how fun to be blocked in by trees and power lines! How long did it take for everything to get cleaned up and fixed?

Sarah Benedict said...

We were out of power from Wednesday night at 10pm to 5:30 pm Thursday. It was fun except we had to run our generator to power the fridge and freeze since it was 92 that day!