Almost everyone that knows me, knows that I LOVE burnt orange. I have always said that before I die I want to own a burnt orange vehicle. Since the economy is in the dumps and I have no clue if that will ever happen, I then decided that I should paint a room in my house burnt orange. I decided I would go with the main bathroom when we got the time and money to be able to do it. Now to backtrack...our Lab/Coonhound, Case, got a UTI infection a couple months ago. He was having accidents in the house, which led to the discovery of the infection. I have cleaned, cleaned and cleaned some more. I borrowed an air purifier from Doug's mom and I thought that worked, but a couple days later the smell was back. We have in floor heat and I'm thinking that's what the problem was. When the heat wasn't on, the smell was gone, but when the heat came on, YUCK! So, Friday we finally decided the carpet needed to come up. It was just press board underneath but we didn't have the money for a new floor. We decided to paint it and burnt orange just happened to be the color that matched the current wallpaper! :) Here are some pictures of our disaster and then the finished project. The only thing that isn't done yet is the room isn't put back together yet. I want to make sure that the room is 100% dry so that stuff doesn't stick and glue to the floor!

Wow that looks really good!! Good job!
It looks GREAT!!! I admit that It never would have occurred to me to paint a floor in that color, but - NIIIIIICE! Talk about a happy accident!
That turned out great!!! Room looks very nice!!!
It turned out great. BTW orange is my favorite color so I'm a little partial ;)
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