It's been a long time! I'm really sorry! I was so determined to stay on top of this blogging thing, but this summer has been absolutely crazy. I did not grow up on a farm, but this summer I raked hay, chopped hay, and hauled loads for the guys. We were and still down a partner on the farm and we are lacking the funds to hire someone to take his place. So I was their extra hand along with doing the heifer chores, taking care of the house, laundry, dishes, being a mom, and a wife. The amazing part is I only got sick once! LOL Things have slowed down a bit now as we are waiting for the corn to mature so we can put that in.
The girls are doing great. Marissa is really getting mature and to hear some of the stuff she says you really have to be careful not to laugh. She tries so hard to copy the things she hears and sees us do, but it comes out all mixed up. She has a ton of energy and loves to be on the run. Her favorite thing right now is the leaves. She would sleep out there in them I think if I let her. Madalyn has really started talking. I mean she has always been a chatter box, but now she is speaking alot more clearly and of course trying to copy some of the stuff Marissa says. She is doing super well potty training. She wears underwear all the time now except when she is sleeping. Her sister doesn't even have that mastered yet so I'm not expecting too much out of Madalyn yet. They are both VERY hard sleepers as was their Daddy and he struggled for a long time. We are just being patient at this point in time and waiting for them to be ready. Marissa is still very much into animals and playing make believe with them. Madalyn's big thing right now is shoes, shoes and more shoes! Oh and throw some hats in there too. I think we are in for some trouble with that one!
Doug is hanging in there. He has most all of our wood cut and split and we have double what we had in last year. We are close to being done. He has been messing with our boiler settings and it has been running alot smoother this year so far. We are going to try hiring someone once a week so we can have a day off. Working 7 days a week, farmer or not, is not for us.
Mom and Dad came down on Thursday and I got a little camera crazy. The leaves are all falling and of course are full of color and the girls were just so cute out there I couldn't help myself! Enjoy...warning there is a ton!
P.S. There are a couple more posts coming!

Marissa hard at work..

...Madalyn looking on.


Madalyn is NOT a fan!

"It's Raining leaves!"

Did I mention Madalyn was not a fan?

Chloe even enjoyed the outdoors!

Where is Marissa?



She is out of here

Back to do some raking of her own

In her exact words..."Mom I'm too little"

Great Grandma and Great Grandpa came for a visit too! ;)

Sister love!

Ok, That's enough!

Still hanging on to that thumb

No time Mom, gotta run!

Speed raker

This is how far away she started to run and jump in her pile of leaves!

Almost there!

And she is down!

Leaf angels

Notice Madalyn is NOT joining in the fun

Such a good helper

Some love for Grandma Geiger

Grandma Geiger and Marissa jumping together

Grandpa Geiger helped with wood and then couldn't move!
Playing make believe