Sunday, June 7, 2009

Update on us...

Finally an update on us! The girls had their well child checkups the end of May and beginning of June. Both girls looked good...although the pediatrician. was not happy that we are all drinking farm milk. I contemplated lying to her, but I couldn't. Marissa was 3 ft. 4 inches and weighed 38 1/2 bls. She grew 1 inch and gained 6lbs. According her curve, she has slimmed down a bunch since we were there last year. Madalyn was 32 1/4 inches and 24 1/2 lbs. She grew 2 1/2 inches and gained 3lbs. For those of you that havn't seen a ton of Madalyn in real life I'll give you Marissa's height and weight when she was 2. Marissa was 34 inches and 28lbs at 2 years old.
The girls got to test out the pool that they got for their birthday. Its been filled since probably the 24th of May but of course as soon as I filled it the weather got chilly. It was only 70 the day they decided they couldn't wait anymore, so they didn't stay long, but they still had fun. Marissa dove right in as did Chloe. Madalyn on the other hand started crying as soon as Marissa got in and announced that it was yucky and cold. She was 100% happy sitting on a towel next to the pool and watching her silly sister.
Not a whole lot is new with Doug and I. We still have the two rescued kittens here. Waiting to hear back on if that one lady is for sure coming for them. Laurie and I are starting to put ideas together for our breeding program. We still have at least 6 months, but that time will fly I'm sure. Friday we did a photo shoot with both dogs. That is not an easy feat! We got a couple decent ones anyhow. Laurie still has to work her magic with their eyes and such, but... I too the girls to Utica on Friday and they were so good. No one accident the whole time and very well behaved! I was so happy.
Doug starts feeding tomorrow so hopefully we get him round a bit more. Keep praying for the farm. Dad is planning on dropping health insurance soon. We still aren't able to keep up ont the bills super well. Things are suppose to look up by September, but only time will tell!
The positions she sits in!

Daddy and Marissa didn't make it!


Having fun!

Does not approve of Marissa being in there

Chloe even went in!


Puppy Photo Shoot!

New kitten set up

New outfit from Auntie Alicia!
So cute!

I love it!

Friday, June 5, 2009


I finally decided that it was time now that the kittens are 3 weeks old to start advertising for them to find homes. Of course if I can't they are going back to the barn, but I would love for them to be able to have a home instead. In less than 24 hours I had 3 people email me. One was a shelter in Buffalo NY that was willing to drive to Utica to come get them as they have 2 wet nurses at their shelter. I was shocked. The other two were people interested in them as pets. I turned the shelter's offer down since there were two people interested in them. I didn't want to make any more work for someone else! Well the one lady that wants the kittens is from Clinton NY and she wants them Friday 6/5. She has hand raised kittens before and knows the bond that is formed throughout the process. I told her she is more able to come and get much as I do enjoy this whole thing! I would love for someone that was keeping them to be forming this bond and not me! So if everything goes through ok, the kittens will leave sometime tomorrow. Say a prayer for Marissa. Not sure how she is going to take this news. I do know that there was another litter born at the barn yesterday so I figured I will tell her that and then she will be more ok with it.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Update on kittens

So far so good. Both the males are running around the portion of the bathroom that I have blocked off. They have even started going potty on the papers instead of the towels in their bed. Another week and I will put a cat pan in there. They are both eating great anyhow so at least for now I think we are in the clear. We still don't know what happened to Ashley but a couple people have mentions Fading Kitten Syndrome, kinda like SIDS in humans. Who knows, but Marissa is doing better anyhow. Even though this morning she announced that she thinks we should take them back up to the barn so these two don't die. She has lost all faith in me!!! HAHA

Monday, June 1, 2009

Marissa is having a rough day...

We went in this morning to feed the kittens same as always and found the girl kitten who she has named "Ashley" dead. They are 3 weeks old now and I guess we all figured if they made it a week everything would be fine. She is very protective over the other two right now. Bad thing is the tiger male didn't want to eat this morning. I'm going to try him again in a bit and see if he wants to eat then. Hopefully he isn't on his way out also. He is her second favorite next to Ashley. Hoping for the best!

P.S. I will write an update on us soon...I have to run for now!