I know its been a while... seems like we have been running and spending a bunch of time at the barn lately. I have a huge praise! Remember a month or maybe a little less I blogged about Madalyn and the pen incident? Well on Friday I finally checked it again and it is totally healed. She has a tiny bump back in there, scar tissue I'm guessing, but nothing you would ever notice if you weren't looking for something. I was so excited that it is healed and I don't have to worry about contacting her doctor and explaining why I didn't take her in to begin with. What a load off my shoulders! God is good!!! Marissa and Madalyn have had a love hate relationship these days. Some moments I would like to lock them both in separate rooms and let them scream and then other days I just can't get enough of watching them play so well together. I suppose that is what I get for having two girls! The last couple days have been awesome. Madalyn is continuing to talk more so there is less screaming going on, which is so much nicer for Mommy's ears! Lately they have both been huge copy cats. Everything they see at the barn they then come home and re in-act (is that the right way to write that?). Last Sunday my cow, Kid went into labor and the vet had to be called. He ended up doing a c-section on her since the calf was way too big to pass through. The bull calf ended up dying but it was as big as a 6 week old weaned calf! Crazy! Anyhow the girls got home and went in and got their doctor kit and their choice of animal victims and started "doing surgery". So cute to listen to them try to talk and copy everything they saw.... well some might have not thought it was cute but I did! Marissa is so curious and wants to learn how everything works and what everything is. She is going to have quite the education and know exactly how everything at the barn works if the questions keep up! I cut Madalyn's hair yesterday. As much as I love her curly hair it is proving to be a touch more difficult to manage than Marissa's. She has this mullet thing going on where her bottom half grows at 10x the speed of her top. Her top finally made it down to a touch below her ears so I cut her bottom up to be even with the sides. The nice thing about her hair being curly is that its harder to tell if I cut it crooked or not! It looks cute and it just gave her a ton more curls now that its shorter. It must feel weird to her though because she is always playing with it. Tonight Doug and I have planned a "date night" after the girls go to bed. Hopefully everything goes well at the barn so we can keep our "date". Thursday Katie and Alex, some friends from church, are heading to Rochester for a wedding and I have offered to watch their Rat Terrier for them, so we will have another furry animal in the house until Saturday night. Hopefully that goes well. Other than that we should have a pretty quiet week. Next week Doug starts feeding again and we are heading up north to my parents house on Friday and Saturday to see the whole family. I can't wait! I suppose I have rambled enough for one post! Here are some pictures taken since my last post...ENJOY!

Madalyn thought Marissa made a good seat and it actually went over well.

All smiles

Oops, over she goes!

Looks from all three girls...

Madalyn wants some of Marissa's cookie

Madalyn and some of the heifers

Marissa thought she should take a picture of Madalyn
peeing with her pretty dress and new hair cut

Then she wanted me to take one of her

Marissa and Madalyn preparing to play horse

So cute...

Off she goes!

I contemplated running the video camera instead of pictures
because Marissa was dying laughing the whole time she was moving!